Event 5 - Color, Light, Motion Episode 11

This weekend I attended the virtual event Color, Light, Motion–Episode 11, hosted by the UCLA Art Sci Center, lectured by Ann McCoy. The presentation was about Otto Peine, a famous sculptor known for his use of lighting in his artwork (McCoy). 

Chotai, Vivek. Screenshot of Ann McCoy's history of light projection. Los Angeles, 7 May. 2022.

Otto Peine was an artist who lived during the time of post war Germany, which is where he got much of his inspiration from. He founded a collection called the “ZERO Group,” which highlighted his abilities of using light to use as an art form (Forbes).
Chotai, Vivek. Screenshot of a piece by ZERO Group. Los Angeles, 7 May. 2022.

This gained him a lot of popularity in Germany, where he was reputed to build art pieces with creating skyline like pictures using light, motion, and smoke bombs. Using this newfound accreditation, Otto Peine went on to become the first fellow of MIT’s Center for Advanced Visual Studies, and eventually became its director (Artnet.com). Using Otto Peine’s interest in projecting light into the sky, Ann McCoy continued to explore how Otto Peine’s projects influenced the development of shining light into space and showcasing space through planetariums. 

Chotai, Vivek. Screenshot of the introduction to space. Los Angeles, 7 May. 2022.

Particularly, Ann McCoy focused on Otto Peine’s project relating to space, called “Proliferation of the Sun.” However, Ann McCoy did not focus on this piece to praise it. She did so to explain that even though Otto Peine had much more funding after joining MIT, that the increase in funding did not translate to an increase in quality (McCoy). This was an interesting observation to point out, as I originally thought that the more funding someone has, the more material they can buy, the more complex they can make their art.

Chotai, Vivek. Screenshot of The Proliferation of the Sun. Los Angeles, 7 May. 2022.

I recommend this event to those who are interested in the history behind using art to project light into space. Although I enjoy going to planetariums, I am not much of a history fanatic.

Proof of Attendance:

Works Cited

Forbes, Alexander. “Otto Piene, Zero Group Founder, Dead at 86.” Artnet News, Artnet News, 16 Apr. 2015, https://news.artnet.com/art-world/otto-piene-zero-group-founder-dead-at-86-63660. 

McCoy, Ann, director. Color, Light, Motion. Episode 11: Ann McCoy Lecture on OTTO PEINE. YouTube, UCLA ArtSci Center, 7 May 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujGEtExl3KU. Accessed 7 May 2022. 

“Otto Piene.” Artnet.com, Artnet Worldwide Corporation, http://www.artnet.com/artists/otto-piene/.


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